Student Rights and Responsibilities
This section of the Student Handbook content is designed to make you aware of key policies that impact students. We also want you to know about the rights and responsibilities students have. It’s important for you to know about the key policies affecting you and the items that you will be accountable for during your time at Schoolcraft.
Academic Concerns/Appeals
Student can express concerns about grades, course content, or their instructors by following our time sensitive Academic Matters process.
Academic Forgiveness
In certain situations, students can seek to have failing grades forgiven. Find out if you meet the criteria with the link below.
Academic Integrity / Cheating and Plagiarism
Students are expected to submit their own work and attribute proper credit when sources are used. The students are accountable for cheating and plagiarism under the Student Code of Conduct. In addition, students may not receive credit for completing the assignment and/or receive a failing grade in the course.
Academic Standing
Students should strive to achieve 2.0 grades or higher in each class to be considered in good academic standing. Those who are unable to do so may be required to participate in programs or processes designed to improve academic performance.
Admissions Criteria
In order to be admitted into in a degree / certificate seeking program for college credit, students must meet our admissions criteria. Some programs may also have additional admissions requirements.
Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Prevention Program and Policy
Students must adhere to the colleges policies related to alcohol and drug use. Our Student Code of Conduct and our prevention programs offer more information.
Animals on Campus
The only animals allowed on campus are those defined as service animals.
Attendance and Participation
Regular class attendance and participation is expected. Some programs may have specific requirements and requirements may vary from instructor to instructor. Students who do not attend classes and participate regularly will not be successful and may have their Financial Aid impacted.
Auditing a Class
Want to take a class but no earn credit or grades? If so, considering auditing a course.
College Logo
Students must adhere to the published guidelines when using the college logo.
Disability Support Services and Accessibility
The College is committed to abiding by ADA requirements and offers support to students with disabilities. If you had an IEP in high school, or you think you may qualify for accommodations under ADA, then contact our Disability Support Services Office. The staff there can explain how accommodations apply to the college setting, and determine if you qualify to receive them.
Financial Aid Rights and Responsibilities
Students receiving financial aid funds such as grants, loans and scholarships are required to follow the terms and conditions set by the federal regulations for financial aid.
Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
There are standards of progress that students must maintain in order to ensure that they remain eligible to receive financial aid funds. The Department of Education required qualitative and quantitative standards require students to maintain an overall completion rate and GPA as they progress toward their college goals.
Free Speech, Expressive Activity and Public Forum
The students and employees of the College and members of the public shall be permitted to exercise their rights of free speech and expressive activity subject to reasonable regulations with regard to the time, place and manner of the activities adhering to Board Policy 1062 and Board Procedure 1062.1.
Gender Based and Sexual Misconduct / Title IX
Our goal is to foster a campus free of gender based and sexual misconduct. The college provides support services and a place for students to report concerns of this nature.
Students should carry a Schoolcraft College student ID card or a valid driver’s license/state ID card on campus at all times.
Important Academic Dates
Class specific deadlines for homework and assignments can be found on your course syllabus. In addition, students should know and will be accountable for key deadlines. Want to know the last day to register for a class, get refund or withdrawal? How about holiday observances, mid-winter break?
Information Security
Students are expected to adhere to all rules for using the college’s computers, networks, software and associated devices.
All new students who do not have previous college or university experience are required to complete new student orientation.
Distance Learning
- Students enrolling in Distance Learning courses should complete the Distance Learning orientation
Students are expected to adhere to all payment requirements and deadlines. Failure to do so can result in the student being dropped from class(es).
Pre-requisites and Repeating Courses
We want you to be successful in your courses. As such, students need to adhere to published course pre-requisites. In order to ensure student success, the college limits the number of times you can attempt a course.
To receive a refund for a credit course, a student must officially drop the course on or before the published last day for refunds. Refund periods vary depending on how long the course lasts and when it begins. Refunds for non-credit classes are granted up through the day before the class meets.
Registration and Waitlists
Students must register for classes on or before the last day for refund/schedule adjustment for each course. Register early for best course selection. If you are trying to register in a class that is already full or has met for the first time, you will need to follow the overload and late entry process. Learn the difference between dropping classes and withdrawing or classes and how to use our waitlist if the class you want is full. Our Registration and Answer Center can assist you.
Report an Incident or Concern
The college uses an online reporting tool for tracking and responding to complaints and incidents of concern on campus such as or threatening behavior or wellbeing concerns. Student appeals are also handled in this system.
Residency Status
The college uses your residency status to determine the tuition rates that students pay for credit bearing courses. Students are responsible for maintaining accurate contact information, including address in their college file. There are deadlines for every semester by which students must update their residency status that impact tuition rates.
Senior Discount
Students who are 60 years or older prior to the first day of their class are eligible for a tuition discount. Students must provide acceptable proof their senior status at the Registration Center prior to registering.
Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems / Drones
Thinking of using your drone on campus?
Smoking, Tobacco and Medical Marijuana
Our campuses are smoke and tobacco free including the use of electronic cigarettes, vaporizers and and medical marijuana.
Student Code of Conduct and Judicial Procedures
We expect all students to abide by all classroom rules and the college’s Student Code of Conduct.
Student Privacy (FERPA)
Schoolcraft College adheres to privacy regulations for educational records set forth by federal law called FERPA. Students can grant access to their record to parents (or others) by following our release of information process.