SC Aware
You report. We respond.
If there is immediate risk to life or property call Schoolcraft Police at 734-462-4424, or dial 911.
Creating a Culture of Awareness
We believe that everyone is responsible for upholding the core values of respect and responsibility; this includes working together to keep our campus safe. SC aware provides a safe place where members of the college community can report concerns without the fear of retaliation.
Do I have to provide my name?
Reports can be submitted anonymously; however we encourage you to provide your contact information. Students wishing to have anonymity must make that request at the time their reports are submitted. There may be some cases for which requests for anonymity may not be able to be provided. There may also be situations where we cannot provide remedy if we cannot identify the student.

What can I expect after I report?
Your report will be assigned to a staff member for follow-up. Your report will be reviewed in a fair and impartial manner. We may contact you to obtain additional information.
What about confidentiality?
You can request confidentiality. We make every effort to honor such requests but cannot guarantee it. In some cases, disclosure is necessary in order to address the matter.
File an SC Aware Report

Report Concerning Behavior or Misconduct
For students, employees and visitors
Use this form if you:
- are concerned that someone may harm themselves or others
- think someone may be experiencing depression or other mental health issue
- have witnessed a crime or have information about a crime
- have seen or heard aggressive or inappropriate behavior
- have information about a violation of the Student Code of Conduct
- have a concern about your safety or the safety of the campus community
- wish to report an act of academic dishonesty
Report Customer Service Concerns and Issues
For students, employees and visitors
Use this form if you:
- are dissatisfied with the services provided by a college staff member, or office
- want to tell us how we can better serve or support you
- have a concern about access to, or condition of any building or campus space (e.g. classrooms, parking lots and restrooms)
Report Instructional Concerns or Academic Matters
For Students
Students may appeal academic decisions regarding a grade or other actions resulting from their academic performance. Students must follow the proper steps in the appeal process, observing the time limits for completion of various steps in the process.
Report the Death of a Student
The death of a student is a sad occurrence, but Schoolcraft wants to support the grieving families/friends as much as possible. Please use this form to notify Schoolcraft of the death of a student.
Report Website or Technology Accessibility Concerns
For students, employees and visitors
Use this form if you:
- want to let us know about a broken link or unresponsive page
- have a concern about a page or item that you feel is not accessible
- want to report another concern about or other technology (such as Ocelot Access, or Blackboard.)
Hot Spot Loan Program
Through the generosity of the Schoolcraft Foundation, the Hinkle Student Resource Center can assist students with technology needs through our Hot Spot Loan program. The program provides support to our currently enrolled students who demonstrate financial need and have no wifi access to complete their courses successfully.
Student Hospitalization or Injury Liaison Support
For Students or Parents/Guardians
Complete this form if you are hospitalized or injured, but would like to complete courses.
Student Complaint Process for In and Out of State Students
Schoolcraft College is a member of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (NC-SARA). In adherence with this agreement and NC-SARA’s complaint process, we make available additional information for in and out of state students regarding student complaint procedures.
All Schoolcraft College students should complete the Schoolcraft College Academic Appeal and Instructional Complaint form and follow the Schoolcraft College Academic Appeal Procedure.
If a resolution is not found via the institution’s complaint process, students may also file an appeal with our state portal agency – the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA). LARA has final authority with SARA complaints and will notify the student’s state portal agency should they reside outside of the state of Michigan.
Students Experiencing Extenuating Circumstances
Request a Late Drop, Withdrawal (“W” grade) or Retake Credit
Use this form is you are experiencing one or more of the following circumstances:
- Health: Student experiences lengthy illness, injury or hospitalization.
- Caregiving: Student is caregiver for a loved one experiencing a lengthy illness, injury or hospitalization.
- Mandatory work schedule change: Student’s employer implements a mandatory change in the student’s work schedule.
- Bereavement: Student experiences the death of a loved one.
- Military deployment: Student is deployed for military duty.
Not Anymore
All students are expected to view the online ‘Not Anymore’ videos. These videos teach students how to prevent and respond to sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual harassment.
By viewing these videos and taking the online quiz, you will learn how to be safe and how to keep others safe, and you will help Schoolcraft comply with federal requirements raise campus awareness about standing up to interpersonal violence.