
Using Gale Business DemographicsNow

Did you know that you have free access to a wealth of demographic, business, and residential data? A powerful online resource, Gale Business: DemographicsNow connects users with a wealth of highly detailed demographic data on more than 24 million U.S. businesses and 206 million consumers—making it ideal for gaining consumer and market insight. In this […]

Starting a Business – In Person

Join us for an accelerated walkthrough of our “Starting A Business” course. This introductory workshop covers the process of evaluating market potential for your products or services, startup costs and financing options, plus initial steps for writing a business plan. Designed for individuals who are considering self-employment or who may be at the beginning stages […]

Writing a Business Plan – In Person

Do you want to launch or grow your business? This workshop is designed for entrepreneurs who are looking to write a business plan for the first time, or already have a plan they would like to update. Topics include: market analysis and sales planning, management and operations, and identifying financial goals and projections. Discover what […]

Marketing Your Business – In Person

Does your marketing strategy target your greatest opportunities for increasing sales and achieving a competitive advantage? There is much more to marketing than having a couple of social media accounts and an email newsletter. In this workshop we will discuss market analysis and research, competitive analysis and position, as well as product price, placement, promotion […]

Understanding Your Small Business Customer: The Value Proposition Canvas

What’s a value proposition? It’s a clear statement that communicates the reason a customer should choose your product or service. As an entrepreneur, identifying your business’ value proposition is essential. In this workshop you’ll learn how to use the Value Proposition Canvas, a tool that will help you deeply understand your customer and then use […]


Coffee and Contracting

Virtual – No fee, registration is required. Join our Schoolcraft College APEX Accelerator counselors for an opportunity to discuss government contracting, procurement assistance and other relevant contracting topics. Bring your questions and your coffee! Schoolcraft APEX Accelerator Team | 734-462-4438 or [email protected] Register Now The APEX Accelerator is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with […]


Forming Your LLC – In Person

We will discuss business entities and explain the documents needed to form and register a business, including Articles of Organization and Employer Identification Number (EIN). We will also cover basic bookkeeping procedures and the tax implications of your new business, as well as good business practices. Please note: we do not provide tax advice or […]