Your credits from a four-year school could be applied toward an associate degree.
Learning, of course, is the goal of any college experience. Part of that education means familiarizing yourself with some unfamiliar terms. Today, we take a look at what a reverse transfer is.
Reverse transfer: From there to here
One of the main reasons students attend Schoolcraft College is to complete their general education requirements and earn other credits to then transfer to a four-year school to complete a bachelor’s degree.
A reverse transfer works the same way – only in, well, reverse. In other words, if you’ve earned credits at a four-year college or university, you can, in many instances, transfer those credits back to Schoolcraft College and use them toward an associate degree, for example.
The process starts with the four-year school. As an example, the University of Michigan-Dearborn has a Reverse Transfer Agreement with Schoolcraft College with the following requirements:

- 40+ credit hours earned at Schoolcraft College
- 20+ credits earned at UM-Dearborn
- Minimum GPA of 2.0 at UM-Dearborn
If students want to pursue obtaining an associate degree, they need to inquire with their four-year institution about the reverse transfer process. Please note there is a form that needs to be completed with the four-year school that must be sent with the transcript. This is how the Records Office of Schoolcraft College knows that the transcript received is for reverse transfer.
So if you’re a student pursuing a bachelor’s degree at a four-year school, see if a reverse transfer works for you. It never hurts to have additional credentials on your resume.