The new event, put on by the Livonia Chamber of Commerce and the Schoolcraft College Manufacturing and Engineering Center, invites young people to learn more about high-demand jobs.
Teenagers can get a sample of jobs in public safety, energy, health and advanced manufacturing during a new career-exploration event coming to Livonia this fall.
Touch a Job is a free event for middle- and high-school students who want to learn about in-demand, good-paying careers that require an associate degree or skill certificate. This event will take place from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 30 at the Schoolcraft College Manufacturing and Engineering Center.
Young people can explore such careers as 3-D printing, advanced manufacturing, computer aided design, electric vehicles and mobility, energy, firefighters, health careers, police officers, robotics and welding. Sessions will be led by the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center, Schoolcraft College, AlphaUSA, Trane, the Livonia Fire Department and the Livonia Police Department.
Career demonstrations will take place in 30-minute sessions at the MEC, Livonia Police training center, and the AlphaUSA facility along Glendale, west of Merriman Road. Students can visit up to five sessions of their choice. Shuttle buses will be available to transport visitors between sites.

The Livonia Chamber of Commerce, Livonia Kiwanis Club and City of Livonia Economic Development are also partners in the event.
“This is a new experience that introduces these career options to young people and their parents,” said Livonia Chamber President Dan West. “Two-thirds of future jobs are in these types of fields, and our economy and communities rely on them.
“We believe engaging young people in these high-tech and dynamic jobs will ignite new interests and help them and their families realize that four-year degrees are not the only way to make a good living while making a difference in the community.”
The event will also allow families to visit the MEC, the newest Schoolcraft College building that opened in 2020. Located at 13001 Merriman Road in Livonia’s industrial corridor, the MEC houses programs such as Engineering, Electronics, Metallurgy and more.
“We hope students attending Touch a Job will leave with a better understanding of what types of jobs are available to them when they graduate high school,” said Amy Jones, Associate Dean of Occupational Programs at Schoolcraft College. “Jobs in the skilled trades are in hot demand and we’re hoping students who learn more about them will consider exploring them as they get older.”
This new program is a shift from the pre-pandemic local efforts to set up student field trips to local manufacturing operations as part of the National Manufacturing Day in October. Organizers said the goal of Touch A Job is to have parents join their children as they get a feel for the tasks involved in these careers.
Students from all schools are welcome to participate in the program which will include games, food, and fun. For more information, contact the Livonia Chamber of Commerce at 734-427-2122 or email [email protected].