Merchandise / Apparel
The college presents a wide variety of merchandise through the College Bookstore, which has developed strategies for incorporating the college’s visual identity into its merchandise.
Campus departments, offices and program areas may order merchandise for the audiences that they serve. Most suppliers are capable of preparing customized items to match Schoolcraft College’s visual identity. While additional production costs may sometimes result, vendors must always reproduce our official visual identity marks as designed and match our colors exactly (for printed materials) or as closely as possible for other merchandise where PMS matching capabilities do not exist.

There may be cases that require special sizes or clear space allowances. Some items, such as pens, are too small to provide an adequate reproduction of the bell tower icon portion of the logo. In these situations, use only the words “Schoolcraft College” which can be rendered in the same type size with the recommended font Lucida Fax Demibold. The secondary typeface is Avenir Light Standard. If unavailable use Arial or a similar sans serif. Merchandise without the official logo may use any color and typeface.
If the logo doesn’t fit your application, or if a vendor suggests that you alter the logo to accommodate their production methods, please contact the Duplication Design Center ext. 4583 to work with you and the vendor to find a solution. Departments that would like to purchase promotional merchandise should start by contacting the Purchasing Department at ext. 4444 to assist with pricing and selections. The Duplication Design Center will provide appropriate art to the vendor.
Vendors that produce uniforms, branded attire, and specialty items for college offices should:
- Be registered with Purchasing; and
- Use the logo in a manner consistent with the guidelines
Uniforms and branded attire may include the name of an office, department or division in conjunction with the college logo. That name is strongly suggested to be rendered in the specified secondary font, Avenir Light Standard. If unavailable use Arial or a similar sans serif. The size of the type that is used and the name’s placement relative to the college logo are to be strictly controlled—please work with the Duplication Design Center for approved art.
Use of the logo is not required on apparel. In these situations, the words “Schoolcraft College” can be the same type size. The font Lucida Fax Demibold is strongly recommended; however, any font is acceptable in this case.
Logo for Embroidery Only
The embroidered logo can be reproduced using blue with gold for the bell tower icon. See example.
When that is not possible, it may be reproduced in blue (closest match to PANTONE 295), white or black with the bell tower icon stitched with the closest possible thread color to match the item it is being embroidered on. The department name should be in the same color as the logo used: PMS 295 (blue), black or white. Choose the best option for good contrast.