Sanctions for Students
Respondents found responsible for violating the Code may face one or more of the following sanctions:
- Warning – Written notice of Code violation with risk of severe penalties for repeat offenses.
- Restitution – Compensation for damage to College or personal property.
- Community/College Service – Required completion of a specific service project.
- Loss of Privileges – Temporary denial of specified student privileges.
- Confiscation of Prohibited Property – Items violating the Code are confiscated and may become College property.
- Behavioral Requirement – Mandatory actions such as counseling, substance abuse screening, or writing an apology.
- Educational Program/Assignment – Participation in an educational program, awareness event, or completion of a related assignment.
- Visitation Restriction – Limits placed on a student’s visitation rights.
- College Probation – Official notice that further violations could result in suspension or expulsion; may include mandatory check-ins.
- Eligibility Restriction – Student is deemed “not in good standing” and may be restricted from leadership roles, study abroad, conferences, or representing the College.
- College Suspension – Temporary separation from the College with restrictions on campus presence and activities. Return may depend on specific conditions.
- College Expulsion – Permanent separation with a campus ban, enforced if necessary.
- Other Sanctions – Additional penalties may be imposed as deemed appropriate.
Student groups and organizations can be sanctioned
The following sanctions may be imposed upon groups or organizations found to have violated the Student Code of Conduct:
- One or more of the sanctions listed above, specifically 1 through 8, 11 through 13, and/or
- Deactivation, de-recognition, loss of all privileges (including status as a College registered group/organization), for a specified period of time.