Credit Balances & Refunds
Reimbursements (refunds for student payments): when students pay out of pocket (in full or using the payment plan) and are later awarded financial aid, students will be reimbursed automatically. The timing and method of reimbursement will be dependent on the type of financial aid and the applicable disbursement dates.
Refunds for dropped classes: when students drop a course, within that course’s schedule adjustment period, the full cost of the course will be removed from the student’s record. If a payment was already made, a refund will be issued back to the student, based on the college’s refund processing timeframe. Any refund that is a result of financial aid will be dependent on the type of financial aid and the applicable disbursement dates.
Refunds for excess financial aid: some types of financial aid are refundable to the student. Any charges for tuition/fees or at the bookstore will reduce what your refund will be, including any reimbursements for payments made out of pocket. Any refundable financial aid remaining on the student’s account will be refunded to the student. To determine if your award is refundable, you can use the My Awards page on Ocelot Access – Financial Aid card or check with the FA office. Student loans have their own refund dates based on your current schedule, and are posted at our Loan Disbursements web page. All other types of financial aid refunds are processed weekly, beginning with the semester’s first refund date. Financial aid refund dates are determined using the No Show (NS) due date to confirm attendance in courses. Refund dates are posted on our Disbursement of Funds web page.
The scenarios above will all result in a credit balance for the student. This will show as a negative amount on your My Account page until the credit is processed and turned into a refund. At that time, it will show under the Refund column on My Account page.
Students can select their refund preferences through the college’s refund servicer, Bank Mobile.