Criminal Justice & Public Safety
Choose Your Program
Students can also take courses in Criminal Justice, Homeland Security, and Corrections. Talk to your advisor on how you can use these and other courses here at Schoolcraft College and to transfer to a 4-year degree.

Are You Interested In…
- Serving your community?
- Protecting businesses from cyberattacks?
- Saving lives?
Public safety is a cornerstone of our society, and Schoolcraft offers four areas of study to prepare students for a variety of careers in this field, including police officers, security personnel, emergency medical technicians and fire fighters. These careers are very much in demand as over 90% of our fire and police academy cohorts receive job offers prior to graduation.

“An environment unlike anything else I’ve experienced in the military or law enforcement; If your goal is to work in public safety, Schoolcraft is the place to do it.”
Timothy Brown II
Corrections officer and a police sergeant with the Michigan National Guard
Career Exploration
The free Career Coach online assessment tool matches your interests to potential career areas. With a simple keyword search, you can learn about employment prospects for a variety of careers, wage information and area job postings.
Career Coach also can help map an educational pathway, including degrees and certificates offered at Schoolcraft College, to help achieve your career goals.
Visit Career Coach
Take the Career Assessment
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Curriculum Defined by Industry Experts
A continuing dialogue with seasoned professionals helps ensure our curriculum delivers the education our students deserve and employers demand.
Fire Technology Advisory Committee
- Robert Jennison, Livonia Fire Department, Chief
- Steve Heim, Michigan Professional Firefighters, 4th District Vice President
- Kevin Krause, Romulus Fire Department, Director of Fire Services & Emergency Management
- Wendy Stevens, Frenchtown Township Fire Department, Fire Chief
- Chris Stoecklein, Canton Fire Department, Director of Fire Services
- Michael Kennedy, Ann Arbor Fire Department, Fire Chief
- John Unruh, Farmington Hills Fire Department, Fire Chief
- Vaskin Badalow, Dearborn Heights Fire Department, Deputy Chief, County Training Committee Chairperson
Wayne County Regional Police Academy Advisory Committee
- Timothy Bourgeois, MCOLES, Director
- Allen Cox, Plymouth Police Dept., Chief
- Roberto Cruz, River Rouge Police Dept., Director
- Christopher Egan, Allen Park Police Dept., Chief
- Scott Hilden, Northville Twp., Public Safety Director
- Mike Jaafar, Wayne County Sheriff’s Office, Undersheriff
- Samer Jaafar, Wayne County Homeland Security & Emergency Management, Deputy Director
- John Leacher, Flat Rock Police Dept., Chief
- Todd Mutchler, Northville Twp., Public Safety Director
- Dan Pfannes, Wayne County Sheriff, Undersheriff
- Cliff Rosebohm, Riverview Police Department, Chief
- Assad Turfe, County of Wayne, Executive’s Office, Executive Sergeant
- Kym Worthy, County of Wayne, Prosecutor
- Brandon Williams, MCOLES, Field Representative
- Jason Wright, Van Buren Twp., Police Dept Chief
- Brian White, Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office, Chief