Overload and Late Entry
Overload and late registration are sometimes requested by students who wish to enter a class that is full (overload) or join a class that has already met for the first time (late entry).
Schedule adjustment will take place during the week that classes begin. See the Academic Dates for registration and class start/end dates, adjustment periods, deadlines for refunds/W grades, etc.
This process is not used for the purpose of switching classes after schedule adjustment.
Important Notes:
- Before requesting an Overload or Late Entry, the student must communicate with the instructor about whether or not missed assignments will be accepted.
- For online classes students can enter a class up until Ocelot Access closes the day after the class begins.
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Students who want to try and overload into a full class can attempt to do so from the time the class starts through the end of the schedule adjustment period. Students must email the instructor for approval to overload. Not all instructors accept overloads. Overloads are granted at the discretion of the instructor and are not guaranteed when the Overload/Late Entry Form is issued. Students are responsible for all the work that they have missed prior to officially being registered in the course. It is left to the discretion of the instructor whether missed assignments will be accepted or graded.
Late Entry
Students wishing to enter a class after it has met for the first time need to email the instructor for approval for late entry, even if seats are available. Not all instructors accept late entry. Students are responsible for all the work that they have missed prior to officially being registered in the course. It is left to the discretion of the instructor whether missed assignments will be accepted or graded.
By emailing the instructor for approval, the student is responsible to pay for the course in accordance with the Schoolcraft College tuition payment policy. Refunds are only available during the posted schedule adjustment periods (refer to the Registration Guide for specific dates). If the student enters the course beyond that time there is NO refund period for the class.
Important Note:
- Students cannot use Ocelot Access (Student Planning) to register once the course is full or has already met for the first time.
- Exception: For online classes students can enter a class up until Ocelot Access closes the day after the class begins.
How to Request Overload or Late Entry
This process is not used for the purpose of switching classes after schedule adjustment.
- Contact the Instructor via Email (view Faculty & Staff Directory)
- When sending your email request to the instructor be sure to include your full name, student ID number, phone number, course name and section number you are wishing to join. It must have a subject line of “Overload-Late Entry-student name.”
- Template:
- Student name
- Student Number
- Phone number
- Term
- Course name and number
- 2-digit section number
- If the Instructor approves, they will email the Registration Center at [email protected]. Emails must come from the instructor’s Schoolcraft email account. Emails need to include student name, ID number, course name/number, section number, term and statement of consent.
- When sending your email request to the instructor be sure to include your full name, student ID number, phone number, course name and section number you are wishing to join. It must have a subject line of “Overload-Late Entry-student name.”
- Register for your class(es):
- The Registration Center will process the Overload/Late Entry form and email both the student and the instructor a confirmation email.
- Students registering from the waitlist once the class starts must obtain approval from the instructor by following the registration directions listed above within two business days of receiving the Waitlist email. Call the Registration Office at 734-462-4426 for additional assistance.
- Payment is due within 3 weekdays, including holidays, from when you register. Please begin the process of exploring all options for payment, including scholarships and financial aid, or sign up for the tuition payment plan.