Motorcycle Safety FAQ
What is the cost of a MSF RiderCourse?
The Basic RiderCourse (BRC), Basic RiderCourse 2 (BRC2), and Advanced RiderCourse (ARC) cost $50, which is non-refundable and non-transferrable. Ensure you have selected the course with your preferred dates, times, and location before providing payment.
How do I register for a MSF RiderCourse?
To register for a course at Schoolcraft College, please register online via Ocelot Access or in-person at the McDowell Student Center on Schoolcraft College’s Main Campus.
To register for a course at Macomb Community College, Monroe County Community College, Oakland Community College, or Wayne County Community College District, please contact the desired site directly using information at our Locations page.
Are there other locations that offer MSF RiderCourses?
The Detroit Metro Consortium currently comprises:
- Macomb Community College
- Monroe County Community College
- Oakland Community College
- Schoolcraft College
- Wayne County Community College District
To register for a course at Schoolcraft College, please register online via Ocelot Access or in-person at the McDowell Student Center on Schoolcraft College’s Main Campus.
To register for a course at Macomb Community College, Monroe County Community College, Oakland Community College, or Wayne County Community College District, please contact the desired site directly using information at our Locations page.
What is the age requirement to take a MSF RiderCourse?
Students aged 15-17 are permitted to take the Basic RiderCourse (BRC), Basic RiderCourse 2 (BRC2), and 3-Wheel Basic RiderCourse if they have a graduated driver’s license; however, a parent or legal guardian must accompany them on the first day of class to sign the course waiver.
I have a moped; am I able to take a MSF RiderCourse?
Mopeds are permitted only in our Basic RiderCourse 2 (BRC2). The moped must be registered with the Secretary of State and display a valid moped registration decal. The moped must also pass a safety inspection.
Do you provide training motorcycles?
We provide training motorcycles for students in the Basic RiderCourse (BRC). We have lower-profile bikes for those who are small in stature; be sure to inform the instructor if you require such a bike on the first day of class. Our motorcycles range in engine displacement from 125-500cc.
Students must provide their own motorcycle for the Basic RiderCourse 2 (BRC2) and Advanced RiderCourse (ARC). Sharing is NOT permitted. The motorcycle must be titled, registered, and insured; and it must display a valid license plate. Students must provide proof of insurance, and the motorcycle must pass a safety inspection.
Do you provide riding gear and other supplies?
No; students must provide their own riding gear and supplies. Please refer to our Riding Gear & Other Requirements.
I already know how to ride a motorcycle; do you offer just the road test?
No, we do not offer just the road test; however, the Rider Skill Test (RST) required by the Secretary of State is included in the Basic RiderCourse (BRC) and Basic RiderCourse 2 (BRC2).
If you are an experienced rider and have your own motorcycle, we suggest that you take the Basic RiderCourse 2 (BRC2). It is designed for the experienced but unendorsed rider to become endorsed. You must provide your own motorcycle; it must be titled, registered, insured, and display a valid motorcycle license plate. You must provide proof of insurance and it must pass a safety inspection.
Can I take your course if I live in another state?
You may take our course; however, we cannot guarantee that your state will accept the certificate of completion for the course. We highly suggest contacting your Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) prior to taking the course to ensure our course will meet your state’s requirements.
What is the policy for walk-in registrations?
Occasionally seats become available when registered students fails to show up for the first day of class. The walk-in policy varies depending on the class you want to join:
Basic RiderCourse (BRC) & Basic RiderCourse 2 (BRC2):
- Only students with an approved retake form from a previous class can attempt a walk-in registration.
- You may attempt a walk-in registration by arriving to class at least fifteen minutes before the scheduled start time. Be prepared to complete registration paperwork, provide payment, and attend all class sessions. Keep in mind that availability is not guaranteed; the number of available walk-in spots is determined by the number of registered students who do not show up.
- You must provide your retake form, eCourse certificate of completion, and all the required riding gear and supplies; please refer to our Riding Gear & Other Requirements.
Advanced RiderCourse (ARC):
- You may attempt a walk-in registration by arriving to class at least fifteen minutes before the scheduled start time. Be prepared to complete registration paperwork, provide payment, and attend all class sessions. Keep in mind that availability is not guaranteed; the number of available walk-in spots is determined by the number of registered students who do not show up.
- You must provide your own training motorcycle and all the required riding gear and supplies; please refer to our Riding Gear & Other Requirements.
Will I obtain my motorcycle endorsement (CY) after taking a MSF RiderCourse?
Successful completion of the Basic RiderCourse (BRC), Basic RiderCourse 2 (BRC2), or 3-Wheel Basic RiderCourse (3WBRC) results in a certificate that waives the Knowledge Test (K-Test) and Rider Skill Test (RST), which would otherwise be administered by the Secretary of State and a third-party testing agency, respectively.
Students who have a Michigan driver’s license will receive a confirmation email from the Secretary of State that contains instructions for applying the motorcycle endorsement (CY) to their driver’s license. Most people have the option of completing the process entirely online; however, students who are under the age of 18 and/or have an out-of-state driver’s license must schedule an in-person appointment with their local branch office.
Students who are under the age of 18 and/or have an out-of-state driver’s license must also request from their instructor a MSF-branded completion card before class is dismissed. This completion card must be provided, during an in-person appointment with a local branch office, along with the documentation required to apply for a Michigan driver’s license.
Will my class be cancelled if it’s raining or snowing?
No; riding occurs in inclement weather, so be prepared with appropriately fitted clothing to brave the elements. Having rain gear and cold-weather gear can often be the difference between completing the course and throwing in the towel. Dress in layers!
What happens if I arrive late to class?
Timely attendance is strictly enforced. When registering, carefully select a class that best fits your schedule. You must be on time. Late arrival on the first day of class will result in the forfeiture of your spot, and late arrival for subsequent days will result in an automatic incomplete grade. We do not offer make-up opportunities, refunds, or transfers.
Why do Standard Weekend students in the Basic RiderCourse (BRC) have to be available all day on Saturday and Sunday?
Standard Weekend students need to be available, but not necessarily on-site, for all of Saturday and Sunday. Students are placed into groups during classroom instruction on Friday; those in Group A will ride in the morning, and those in Group B will ride in the afternoon. While we do our best to accommodate student schedules, we cannot guarantee placement into either specified group. Please reserve any requests for your instructor on Friday.
Can I get a refund, transfer to another class, or switch with a friend or family member?
No; we are unable to process refunds and transfers for Motorcycle Safety RiderCourses. We do not allow switching with a friend or family member. Students must register and pay for their own seat.
What are my options if I don’t pass the Basic RiderCourse (BRC)?
You will need to retake the class.
If you did not pass both the Knowledge Test and Rider Skill Test, you will need to retake the entire course. Keep in mind your eCourse certificate is valid for only 30 days.
If you passed the Knowledge Test but not the Rider Skill Test, you will be given a retake form by the instructor. This form can be used to waive the eCourse (online component) and Knowledge Test if used within 60 days of the date it was issued.
You will have to register and pay again if you retake the course. Your retake form must be presented to the instructor at the start of class. You can register online via Ocelot Access or in-person via the Registration Office at the McDowell Student Center on Main Campus.
Alternatively, you may attempt to register as a walk-in student on the first day of class; however, keep in mind availability is not guaranteed. You will need to provide payment and your retake form at this time.
What are my options if I don’t pass the Basic RiderCourse 2 (BRC2)?
You will need to register for another class, provide payment, and retake the class. You can register online via Ocelot Access or in-person via the Registration Office at the McDowell Student Center on Main Campus. Alternatively, you may attempt to register as a walk-in student on the first day of class; however, keep in mind availability is not guaranteed. You will need to provide payment onsite at this time.
I’m in the military and need a MSF card; will I receive one after completing a MSF RiderCourse?
If you successfully pass any of our courses (BRC, BRC2, 3WBRC, or ARC), you will be eligible to receive a Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) completion card. These are given upon request at the end of the course.
I lost my certificate of completion; can I get a new one?
Certificates of completion can be reissued for one year from the date that the course was completed. To request a new certificate of completion, please email [email protected] or call (734) 462-4448. If it has been longer than one year, you will need to retake the course.