Repeat Courses
Students may repeat courses using most types of financial aid. To be considered for federal funding, a course can only be repeated one time after successful completion. Successful completion of a course, in this case, means receiving at least a 1.0.
A course that is being repeated in the same semester will not be covered by most types of aid.
Please keep in mind that for Financial Aid purposes, Spring and Summer are one semester.
Federal Title IV aid will be recalculated based on the student’s adjusted enrollment status. This recalculation will be applied regardless of whether a student received aid for previous course enrollments.
Each attempt at a course is counted towards Attempted Credit hours but will only count once towards Completed Credit hours, even if a grade above 1.0 is achieved more than once. For example: if a student takes a 3-credit hour course and receives a 2.0 then repeats the same course in a later semester and receives a 4.0 – this would be 6 attempted credits and 3 completed credits.