Financial Aid Deadlines
All types of financial aid have deadline dates. These dates include times to apply, submit FAFSA, submit requested documents, or take any required student action. The dates vary by award, and it is the student’s responsibility to be aware of all of these dates. There are no exceptions to these dates.
Some dates that are consistent year to year (but subject to change at any time) include:
- Typically, the FAFSA opens October 1st in the prior year and closes June 30th in the following year.
- Example: the 2022-23 FAFSA (covering Fall 2022, Winter 2023, Spring/Summer 2023) opened 10/1/2021 and closed 6/30/2023.
- Schools are able to submit student corrections until the beginning of September (exact date changes year to year) of the following year.
- Example: the deadline for schools to correct 2023-24 FAFSAs was in September 2024.
- FAFSAs and all required documents must be submitted to the college within certain dates to process and award federal financial aid. Currently, schools must complete verification within 120 days after the last day of the student’s enrollment.
- Note: typical office processing times apply; documents submitted close to this deadline are not guaranteed to be approved in time.
- Pell Grant cannot be awarded more than 180 days after a student has stopped enrollment.