Course Withdrawals and Refunds
To understand the difference between dropping a class and withdrawing from a class, visit our Drop & Withdrawal web page.
The college’s tuition and fee refund policy are that tuition, and fees are 100 percent refundable through the end of the schedule adjustment period for each course. The schedule adjustment period varies depending on the length of the course. See the Academic Dates web page each semester for details.
Students who drop classes within the schedule adjustment period may have their aid adjusted based on the new total number of credit hours enrolled. This will impact awards that require minimum amounts of credit hours. Additionally, if charges (including tuition/fee, bookstore, and refunds) exceed the new financial aid award amount, the balance will be the student’s responsibility to pay.
Students withdraw from courses through Ocelot Access. See the Important Dates page on our website each semester for specific withdrawal dates. Please contact the Registration Center with questions about online withdrawal. Students who withdraw from class(es) receive a W grade. The grade of W does not adversely affect the student’s grade-point average. However, a W is considered an attempted and not completed course and does adversely affect the student’s completion rate. See the Academic Progress Policy. Withdrawing from courses may result in the loss or reduction of financial aid.
Complete Withdrawal
When a student completely withdraws or stops attending all classes before completing at least 60 percent of the semester, federal law requires the college to return a percentage of the Title IV funds received by the student. Applicable Title IV program funds include Federal Pell Grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG), and Federal Direct Student Loans. The student’s Last Day of Attendance (LDA) is used to determine the number of days the student has attended during the semester. The LDA is determined by the date of withdrawal (for W grades), the date reported by instructors (for 0.0 grades), and the midpoint of the course (for Incomplete grades). The latest LDA is used to determine the amount of the student’s earned Federal Title IV funds. Unearned funds must be repaid by the student to the school. If the calculation results in a federal Overpayment, the student must also return funds directly to the Department of Education. Failure to do so will make the student ineligible for federal aid at any institution.
Special Note for Incomplete Grades
Courses with Incomplete grades are considered attempted but not completed courses, which adversely affect the student’s completion rate. Courses with Incomplete grades are also treated the same as complete withdrawals and require R2T4 (see above). If the grade is changed from Incomplete to passing (above 0.0) within 30 days of the date the Incomplete was issued, financial aid that was returned from the R2T4 can be reinstated. If grades are changed to passing after 30 days, the student will still owe the balance created from the R2T4.
Intent to Attend
In cases where a student has withdrawn from all courses that have begun but have courses that haven’t begun yet within the same semester (example: 2nd 7 week) – they will be required to sign an Intent to Attend form. If the form is not signed, or the student does not intend to attend the later starting courses, an R2T4 will be completed. If a student signs that they intend to attend the later starting courses but do not, an R2T4 will be completed. Students are responsible for all balances owed.