Focus Series
All events will be held via Zoom and are free and open to the public.
Each year, the International Institute coordinates a campus-wide focus on one cultural region of the world or global theme. Launched in January 2004, the Focus Series features films, presentations, displays and performances allowing students and community to explore the culture, politics, economics and history of the featured region and its relation to the rest of the world. Instructors in many departments introduce materials related to the theme, and encourage their students to participate in these varied learning opportunities.
The Series sponsors talks by faculty from colleges and universities, leaders in area community organizations as well as other experts speaking on a wide variety of topics about the focus region. These presentations are videotaped and the DVDs are available to students and instructors at Schoolcraft’s Bradner Library.
The Focus Series is supported by a generous grant from the Alexander and Rachel Liberacki Fund and Schoolcraft Student Activities.
Previous Focus Regions
- 2004: Middle East
- 2005: Latin America
- 2006: Africa
- 2007: Europe
- 2008: East Asia
- 2009: South Asia
- 2010: Middle East
- 2011: North America
- 2012: Latin America
- 2013: Russia & Environs
- 2014: Caribbean
- 2015: Southeast Asia
- 2016: Immigration & Immigrant Communities
- 2017: Environmental Challenges in a Changing World
- 2018: Spirituality and Religion in Today’s World
- 2019: Exploring Physical & Mental Health Issues in a Global Environment
- 2020: Language & Communication Around the Globe
- Fall 2020 Special Topic (Intersectionality Matters)
- 2021: Human Rights Around the Globe
Winter 2023 Events
*Free Faculty and Staff Workshop
Friday, February 17, 2023 | 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. in Waterman 210 A/B
Reimagine Resilience—An educator’s role in preventing hate and violence.
By Dr. Amra Sabic-El-Rayess
*Open to all faculty and staff
This workshop centers on the educational displacement model and its links to radicalization as well as the role of educators in hate prevention. In order to complete the training, educators and staff are required to complete 5 hours in total, 3 hours of live engagement and about 2 hours of asynchronous engagement (i.e., reading, activities, prep). Upon completion, will obtain a certificate from Colombia University. The workshop is led by Dr. Amra Sabic-El-Rayess, a survivor of the Bosnian Genocide and an award-wining author, scholar, and a professor at Teacher’s College, Colombia University.
*Free Workshop for Students and Community Members
Reimagine Resilience—An educator’s role in preventing hate and violence.
By Dr. Amra Sabic-El-Rayess
Tuesday, February 21, 2023 | 11:30am – 1:00pm via Zoom
This workshop centers on the educational displacement model and its links to radicalization as well as the role of educators in hate prevention. The workshop is led by Dr. Amra Sabic-El-Rayess, a survivor of the Bosnian Genocide and an award-wining author, scholar, and a professor at Teacher’s College, Colombia University.
*Open to all students, community members, faculty, and staff
Join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 898 2682 1664
Passcode: 355927
Doha Debates
Moderated By Jennifer Geist
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
On behalf of the University of Michigan Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies, Schoolcraft College Focus Series & Student Activities, we would like to encourage you and your students to attend an interactive presentation titled “Doha Debates.” This global program revolves around the concept that while differences in social, geopolitical, scientific, and other issues undoubtedly exist, “positive, meaningful change only happens when we build bridges among a diversity of viewpoints.” Join moderator Jennifer Geist, Global Education Consultant, and curator of the Doha Debates curriculum, as she shares practical, intellectual tools with students to empower a new generation of leaders who can bridge divides and resolve differences.