July 12, 2023

Free Summer Bridge Program, Step Ahead with Schoolcraft College starts July 31st

students writing in classroom setting

Get a head start on college with this free program beginning later this summer. 

A free program aimed at kick-starting students’ collegiate careers offers plenty of benefits before the students begin later this fall. 

Step Ahead with Schoolcraft College is a new, grant-funded summer bridge program being offered to eligible students beginning July 31. By enrolling, students can earn college credit, discuss academic goals with advisors and even receive a free Chromebook. As a part of this program, students will take a College and Beyond 102 course with a focus on enhancing math and English skills. These offerings are designed to help springboard them into more rigorous coursework as they begin their collegiate careers. 

“We are thrilled to be able to offer this program,” said Jennie Rokakis, Learning Support Services Assistant. “This unique summer bridge program will help to prepare first time and returning college students to build student success skills such as time management, study skills, and career exploration; while also building in good habits for success such as visiting advisors and Academic Success Coaches.” 

The accelerated program is free to students and includes meals, swag, and other supplies in addition to the Chromebook to assist them in their studies. Once students complete the program, they may qualify to receive scholarships or awards to apply toward the fall semester if they enroll at Schoolcraft College, which may be applied in addition to the currently offered Michigan Achievement Scholarship

To enroll, students must have a GED, high school diploma or a certificate of completion and plan to take a college-level or co-requisite math or English course this fall. 

“This is a great opportunity for students when it comes to preparing for their first semester of college,” said Matthew Blagdurn, Lead Academic Success Coach in Mathematics. “They’ll be able to hit the ground running in the fall semester.  Our team of coaches will continue to support these students as they begin their first semester at Schoolcraft, helping to make sure they stay on track.” 

Students can drop in anytime between 10am-5pm at the Learning Center located in the Bradner Library during the optional onboarding week, which takes place July 24-28. The course and program take place Monday through Friday, July 31 through Aug. 11 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., with lunch provided at no cost. Students interested in enrolling or looking for more information can fill out this interest form to determine eligibility. Don’t delay — registration for this program closes on Wednesday, July 12 at 5:00 pm. 

Photo Caption: Students in a classroom at Schoolcraft College. Those interested in enrolling in Schoolcraft College’s Step Ahead Program can still sign up to kickstart their collegiate careers. 

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